Tailored specific features, adding new functionalities (integrating Active Directory into the application user management system, adding new business functionalities into the application) and developing a proof-of-concept applications that manage the organization’s call center activities.
The Organ Donor is a non-profit organization based in the US, for organ procurement for transplantation. Due to the continuous evolution and progress in the field of health care, The Organ Donor has implemented an in-house digital management platform for efficiently organize the activities of its professional Organ Donation Coordinators. The complex business platform is mainly a web portal, that uses Microsoft technologies: ASP, NET, LINQ TO SQL, SQL Server Database, and C# as the development language.
In the need of adapting and perfecting the usability of the platform, our client wanted to improve current features of the system, as well as implementing and integrating new applications to it.
Our team tailored specific features, adding new functionalities (technical ones like integrating Active Directory into the application user management system, adding new business functionalities into the application). We improved the user experience based on the requirements from our customer or our own proposals, changing or adding rules, following the amendments of the US legislation in medical area, etc.
Further on, we developed a proof-of-concept applications that manages the organization’s call center activities. The application has the purpose to easily enter the data for the patient’s chart while on the phone and integrate it in the main database of the platform.
The prototype was developed using Single Page Application architecture model with its specific frameworks and technologies. The proof of concept application has rich user interface and is currently being developed as a responsive application combining the best of web and desktop features, built with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. The goal is to provide a more fluid user experience akin to a desktop application.
The application can work in online or offline mode. When the user is offline the data is being saved locally and when he gets online the modified data is saved in the central database. It is running in any modern browser Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari and it is compatible with Android, iOS and Windows Phone mobile devices (tablets and phones). The application has a multi-tier architecture and modern frameworks. For the client side, AngularJS and JayData JavaScript libraries are being used. To store local information on the client side we are using Index DB or Web SQL Database. On the server side, the data services is exposed through WEB API. Also the ASP.NET MVC 4 Web application framework is used to implement the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern.
In addition, we developed various applications that integrate the existing business platform with external systems, including an RSS feed system that extracts information from the platform and displays it on to big monitors or TVs for public information, an application that communicates with a physical system that monitors temperature and humidity data from different storing facilities, with the purpose of alerting the designated staff in case of inconsistent parameters.
Also we developed an application that integrates Google Calendar with the existing business platform, data being transferred in both directions from one system to the other, with the purpose of facilitating the administrative and organizational workflow.
Another important application was related to document management area. We’ve developed a customizable document generating system that provides different letters based on the defined mail merge templates. The information that is filled in the documents in extracted from different databases. For implementing this project we have used Office OpenXML standard. The module that is in charge to trigger document generations is being developed as a WEP API service. Also the system contains an Administrative application where it is possible to configure all the settings related to the system. To implement this project we have used Microsoft .NET technologies and Office OpenXML standard.